In short, I’m going to be introducing some of my more creative written pieces onto this platform since I don’t keep them anywhere much more thrilling than my google drive account and ink-stained pages of my writer’s journal. Below here, is one of my first poems ever written, admittedly for class assignment. I’ve thought about including some background on what went into it’s writing and intended meaning  but I think I’d rather prefer to leave open for interpretation.


Processed with VSCO with m5 preset
Long Lake, NY // (drive home from college for Thanksgiving Break)


Urbanite escapee:

It was an escape

For many a northern refuge

From a life they know no

Inconsistency from.


A change of pace

From the goddamn race

Of a forced fast-pace (urban life)

Born into without consent.


“Borne into this family, no

choice in the matter.”

Little did I know

So familiar would become

Faces of the bruised and battered.


Their palm in mine

Attempted console

Unfathomable circumstances that

Choke one up in the throat


Not pleasantly breathless but

Almost a haste suffocation

So strong no gasp capable of escape

– Break the pace


Heal cosmopolitan citizen face

Caked with blood

Now dried, though wounds of an everlasting

Freshness, sore to touch.


Thy pain erase,

Undying is their strength.

Repenting sins of a forced hand:

“My apologies” (worn thin)! No,



You’ve long endured Enough,

Shakily I state.

They think


Who’s this

Girl? What can

She know of me and my? No

One is I, but another 1


Of the forgotten faces faded,

Brutalized beyond recognition, NO-

w features bloody, masking

Skin without escape.


We’re apart of a race,

A faceless breed,

Breeding…breeding breeding

Captivity in categories whose color concealed


Beneath disfiguring wounds

Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding

Til lost are features, jaded; hidden categories.

Makeup of a man lost to commonly-held blood: faceless.

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